Center for Researching the Abolishment of the Present

A /-\ and Diffractions Collective Cross-fertilization Venture

Speculative Ecologies


Speculative Ecologies Launch and Podcast

PUNCTUM, Krásova 803/27, 130 00 Praha 3 – Žižkov

We would cordially like to invite you to the launch of the essay collection Speculative Ecologies: Plotting Through the Mesh (Litteraria Pragensia Books, 2019), featuring lectures and a live podcast.

The evening will be conceived as an open session discussing the topics provoked by the book, namely the ongoing specter of climate change, the role of art and making for the mitigation of its effects, and the position of contemporary philosophical theory on the environmental problems (and solutions) at hand.

The schedule is as follows:

17.00 – Introduction to Speculative Ecologies

17.10 – Kateřina Kovářová: Technology at the Service of Environmental Ethics

18.30 – Paul Chaney: Towards Appropriate Accelerationism?

20.00 – Panel discussion with Louis Armand, Paul Chaney, Seb Chum, Xenogoth, @baroquespiral and the audience

21.00 – sounds by TL;DR

Moderator: Vít Bohal

The event is kindly supported by the Agosto Foundation, who are also launching their ongoing series Speculative Ecologies: The Fertile Ground Between Art and Ecologyas part of their media library.

Please visit

Free admission.

The event will be mostly held in English.

Speculative Ecologies: Křest a Podcast

PUNCTUM, Krásova 803/27, 130 00 Praha 3 – Žižkov

Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na křest sbírky esejů Speculative Ecologies: Plotting Through the Mesh (Litteraria Pragensia Books, 2019), a s ním spojené přednášky a živý podcast.

Večer bude volně navazovat a řešit témata knihy, konkrétně stle se zhoršující stav globálního klimatu, role umění a tvorby pro zmírnění jeho dopadů, a přístup současné filozofie a teorie k těmto environmentálním problémům dneška.


17.00 – Úvod do Spekulativní ekologie

17.10 – Kateřina Kovářová: Technology at the Service of Environmental Ethics

18.30 – Paul Chaney: Towards Appropriate Accelerationism?

20.00 – Panelová diskuze: Louis Armand, Paul Chaney, Seb Chum, Xenogoth, @baroquespiral a obecenstvo

21.00 – zvuky: TL;DR

Moderátor: Vít Bohal

Večer se koná za podpory Nadace Agosto Foundation, která současně bude křtít novou část své mediatéky zvanou _Speculative Ecologies: Umělecké spekulace s ekologickým myšlením. _


Vstup zdarma.

Večer bude veden převážně v angličtině.